Skin Checks

Barton General Practice offers full skin checks and spot checks by Doctors with post graduate training in skin conditions.


Barton General Practice offers two types of skin check appointments as listed below. Please note appointment times may vary depending on your appointment type and Doctor. If you are unsure, please call us to ensure your appointment is booked correctly.

Spot Check: A spot check appointment is classified as examining up to 3 spots or moles.

Full skin check: A full skin check is an examination of the entire skin surface.

what are the signs and symptoms of a skin cancer?

Knowing your skin is essential when detecting possible skin cancers. The Cancer Council recommends checking your skin in a mirror monthly to notice any new spots or changes in existing moles.

when should I get checked?

Early detection and treatment is key in avoiding the need for surgery and significantly decreasing the risk of adverse health implications associated with skin cancer. If you are unsure about a mole or skin lesion, please see your Doctor to determine if the spot requires further action.

All Doctors at Barton General Practice offer skin check appointments.

Dr Webber gained a Diploma in Practical Dermatology at the University of Wales in 1994. Dr Przychodzka gained an Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine and uses digital dermoscopy technology for early recognition and high resolution image documentation.

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